Generally, three approaches to value would be considered by the appraiser during the appraisal process. These are the Direct Sales Comparison Method (Market Approach), the Cost Approach and the Income Approach. The Market Approach estimates the value by direct comparison with sales of similar properties. The Cost Approach estimates the current cost of replacing or reproducing the improvements, then subtracting the estimated depreciation from all causes and then adding the land value. The Income Approach is generally used for investment properties that are held for rental income. They may be houses, apartments, office buildings or warehouses. It is a value based on the properties earning power or income potential. It is derived by capitalizing the Net Income using an appropriate Cap Rate or using a discounted cash flow analysis or Yield Capitalization.
Usually, at least two of the approaches will be completed even with limited data as a check for reasonableness. However, in cases where only one approach is supportable, the Market Approach is generally used. It should be noted that the Market Approach is the method generally used by market participants for Residential properties.